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Tuesday, March 17 Update 2:20PM

To:  Stanton Parents, Students, and Staff

From:  Administration

Re:  ELearning Updates and other information

We have recently learned that Iowa will not allow ELearning to count towards days of school.  We have also learned that the Governor of Iowa has signed a document that will waive our upcoming days of missed school in relation to the COVID-19.  The AEA is also working on this with the Iowa Department of Education so more info may be coming out soon.  

However, we still believe that students should be engaged in educational activities during this school closure time.  Teachers will prepare optional activities and learning resources that students and parents will be able to utilize should they choose to do so.  We certainly want to promote continued learning and progress the students have made this school year.

K-5 teachers sent packets yesterday.  We will not be asking parents to come in for additional packets at this time; however, teachers will continue to send online resources as applicable for each grade level.  If parents don’t have the access to print what is needed, contact your teacher, and we will print them for you. These could be mailed to you or picked up at the elementary office by appointment.  Please have your child read, read, read during these days.  

6-12 teachers communicated with students about information for students to use via their Google Classroom Pages or other online resources.  Students should use their school email and Google Classroom pages to find the assigned activities. When in doubt, read a book! Each teacher has gone over a plan for this with their students.  

**In regards to parent/teacher conferences, they will still be held on Thursday, March 19.  K-5 parents will expect a phone call from your teacher/s with information about your child at the originally scheduled time.  If you would like to still meet face to face you can arrange this with the teacher and can meet when we are back in school.
        6-12 parents were asked if you wanted a phone call to email your child’s homeroom teacher and they would set up a phone call with their teachers.  Along with this, you were to include at least 2 times that would be best to reach you. If you did not email back to the homeroom teacher there will still be some email communication from their teachers about their progress in class.  You will also be emailed their report card after all grades are sent to the office.  

We will continue to update parents, students, and staff as new information comes to us.  Please email your child’s teacher or an administrator as needed.

Please watch for an email at a later date with Food Service and Meals offered during the school closure.  

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