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May 20, 2020, Stanton Community School District Board Meeting Agenda

Stanton Community School District 

School Board Meeting

May 20, 2020 - 5:30 P.M.

Stanton Community School Board Meeting will be held electronically for the public.  Please contact Mrs. Shirley Maxwell smaxwell@stantonschools.com if you would like to ask questions during the public hearing, open forum, or listen to the meeting. 


                             PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND THE 2019-2020 SCHOOL BUDGET

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Discussion/Action - Approval of the Agenda

IV. Public Presenters/Guest and Visitors Addressing the Board

V. Approval of Consent Agenda

     A.  Approval of past minutes

     B.  Reports

           a. Transportation

           b.  Activity Fund

           c.  Finance

           d.  Nutrition

           e.  Bills - Consideration of Bills

VI. Personnel

     A.  Discussion/Action - Approve Jake Lord’s resignation from Jr. High Boys Basketball

     B.  Discussion/Action - Approve Bevin Griffen’s resignation from Jr. Class Sponsor

     C.  Discussion/Action - Approve Jake Lord as Co-Coach High School Boys Basketball

VII. Updates

     A.  Superintendent Updates  

           a.  Discussion - Return to Learn Plan

           b.  Discussion - School Calendar

           c.  Discussion – Other

     B.  Principal’s Update

           1.  PTSO Update

           2.  Booster Club Update

           3.  Good News 

VIII.  School Improvement Update

     A.  Goal 1: Increase student achievement through quality instruction and learning


IX. New Business

     A.  Discussion/Action - Approve 2019-2020 Budget Amendment

     B.  Discussion/Action - Approve Preschool Playground Bid

     C.  Discussion/Action - Approve Green House Bid

     D.  Discussion/Action - Approve Support Staff Wage Increase

     E.  Discussion/Action - Approve Support Staff Contracts

     F.  Discussion/Action - Approve HVAC Bid

     G.  Discussion/Action - Approve the Viking Center Agreement

     H.  Discussion/Action - Approve Pandemic Response and Emergency Suspension of Policy

     I.  Discussion/Action - Approve TLC changes

     J.  Discussion/Action - Approve TLC payment schedule

     K.  Open Enrollment

     L.  Discussion/Action - School Board Policy 

           1.  First Reading, Revise, and Review 

           2.  Approval 404 - 406.4

     M.  Discussion/Action - Next Meeting Date 

     N.  Other

X. Adjournment


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