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Stanton Community School District School Board Meeting Agenda, March 18, 2020

Stanton Community School District 

School Board Meeting

March 18, 2020 - 5:30 P.M.

School Library

605 Elliott Street

Stanton, IA 51573


I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Discussion/Action - Approval of the Agenda

IV. Public Presenters/Guest and Visitors Addressing the Board

V. Approval of Consent Agenda

     A.  Approval of past minutes

     B.  Reports

          a.  Transportation

          b.  Activity Fund

          c.  Finance

          d.  Nutrition

          e.  Bills - Consideration of Bills

VI. Personnel

     A.  Discussion/Action - Approve the resignation of Jana McCunn - Cheerleading/Concession

VII. Updates

     A.  Superintendent Updates  

          a.  Discussion - 2020-2021 Budget

          b.  Discussion - Legislative Update

          c.  Discussion - 2020-2021 Calendar

          d.  Discussion - Coronavirus Update

          e.  Discussion – Other

     B.  Principal’s Update

          a.  PTSO Update

          b.  Booster Club Update

          c.  Good News 

          d.  Discussion/Action - Approve Fundraisers

     C.  School District Goals

          a.  Increase student achievement through quality instruction and learning opportunities.

VIII. New Business

     A.  Discussion/Action - Approve playground bid

     B.  Discussion/Action - Approve Really Great Reading bid

     C.  Discussion/Action - Open Enrollment

     D.  Discussion/Action - School Board Policy 

          a.  Review Policies 402.1-403.6

     E.  Discussion/Action - Next Meeting Date

     F.  Other   

IX. Adjournment 


Please notify the school at 712-829-2162 if you plan on attending as we are trying to keep our group below 10 as per Governor Reynolds State of Public Health Disaster Emergency.  

Mass Gathering: Social, community, spiritual, religious, recreational, leisure, and sporting gatherings and events of more than 10 people are hereby prohibited at all locations and venues, including but not limited to parades, festivals, conventions, and fundraisers. Planned large gatherings and events must be canceled or postponed until after termination of this disaster.

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