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Stanton Community School District School Board Meeting Agenda, June 19, 2019

Stanton Community School District

School Board Meeting

June 19, 2019 - 5:30 P.M.

School Board Room

605 Elliot Street

Stanton, IA 51573




I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Discussion/Action - Approval of the Agenda

IV. Public Presenters/Guest and Visitors Addressing the Board

V. Approval of Consent Agenda

     A.  Approval of past minutes

     B.  Reports

          a.  Transportation

          b.  Activity Fund

          c.  Finance

          d.  Nutrition

          e.  Bills - Consideration of Bills

VI. Personnel

       A.  Discussion/Action - Approve the hiring of Laura Oster elementary teacher

       B.  Discussion/Action - Approve the resignation of Ashley McDonald

VI. Updates

A. Superintendent Updates  

           a.  Discussion - County Fair Booth

           b.  Discussion - Summer Projects

           c.  Discussion - Other

      B. Principal’s Update

  1. PTSO Update
  2. Booster Club Update
  3. Good News

VII.  School Improvement Update

       A.  Goal 1: Increase student achievement through quality instruction and learning opportunities.

       B.  Goal 2: All students will be college and career ready upon graduating from the Stanton Community

                         School District.

VIII. New Business

       A.  Discussion/Action - Approve 2019-2020 School Calendar

       B.  Discussion/Action-Approve 2018-2020 Master Contract with Stanton Education Association-Second

             Year of Two Year Contract

       C.  Discussion/Action - Approve HVAC Bid

       D.  Discussion/Action - Approve Raise and Contract for Superintendent

       E.  Discussion/Action - Approve Sharing Agreements with Fremont-Mills CSD

       F.  Discussion/Action - Approve Sharing Agreements with Red Oak CSD

       G.  Discussion/Action - Approve Breakfast/Lunch Fees 19-20

       H  Discussion/Action - Approve Textbook Fees 19-20

       I.  Discussion/Action - Approve Resolution to pay FY19 Outstanding Bills

       J.  Discussion/Action - Approve Student-Parent Handbooks

       K.  Discussion/Action - Approve Staff Handbook

       L.  Discussion/Action - Open Enrollment

       M.  Discussion/Action - School Board Policy

  1. First Reading, Revise, and Review (507.9, 600-603.11)
  2. Approval    (506.2 -508.2)

       N.  Discussion/Action - Next Meeting Date

       O.  Other

IX. Adjournment

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