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May 11, 2016, Stanton Community School Board Meeting Agenda

Stanton Community School District

School Board Meeting

May 11, 2016

5:00 PM School Library


I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

  1. Discussion/Action - Approval of the Agenda

III. Public Presenters/Guest and Visitors Addressing the Board

  1. Discussion - Rod Goodemote/Trish Goodemote - Human Growth and Development Program
  2. Discussion - Mike Falkstrom, General Counsel Planned Parenthood of the Heartland

IV. Discussion/Action - Approval of Past Minutes

V. Discussion/Action - Reports

  1. Transportation
  2. Activity Fund
  3. Finance
  4. Nutrition
  5. Discussion/Action - Consideration of Bills

VI. Old Business

  1. Discussion/Action - Human Growth and Development Program/Parent-Community Survey Results
  2. Facility Update

VII. Updates

A.     Superintendent Updates

B.     Principal’s Updates

1. PTSO Update

2. Booster Club Update

3. Good News

C.  IASB Correspondence

VIII. School Improvement Update

  1. Discussion/Action - Human Growth and Development Program

IX. Personnel

  1. Discussion/Action - Resignation Requests
  2. Discussion/Action - TLC Leadership Positions
  3. Discussion/Action -

X. New Business

  1. Discussion/Action - Approval of Class of 2017 for Graduation
  2. Open Enrollment Applications
  3. Discussion – Other

XI. Adjournment


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