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2018 - 2019 School Supply List


Stanton Elementary School Supply List



Crayons (no more than 24 count), twistable colored pencils, 1 bottle Elmer’s school glue, Elmer’s glue sticks (4), round tip scissors, plastic “pencil” box (please no pouches or zippers), backpack, 2 pocket folder, 2 fine tip Expo markers, 1 1” 3-ring binder, paint shirt, large beach or bath towel, 2 large boxes of Kleenex, 1 container of disinfectant wipes, headphones (No earbuds), Quart-size Ziploc bags,Please label items with your child’s name.  Please sharpen all pencils if possible. 


First Grade

#2 sharpened pencils (24), 24 ct. crayons (4 pkgs.), 8 ct. colored pencils, scissors with points (2 pr.), Elmer’s school glue (2 bottles), glue sticks (8), rectangle erasers (3), colored pens (2), wide-ruled spiral notebook (3), set of 8 washable markers, highlighter (2), dry erase markers – 4 pack, pencil top erasers (24 ct. pkg),  pocket folders (4), one 1” three-ring binder, ear buds or headphones, school box, backpack, 1 roll of paper towels, 3-boxes of Kleenex, 2 boxes of quart size bags, large container of antibacterial wet wipes, 1 box of gallon size bags.

*Please add one of each of the above supply items in your student’s pencil box  and put the remaining supplies in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name on it.*


Second Grade

#2 sharpenedpencils (24),  cap erasers (12), rectangle eraser (2), wide-ruled 70 page spiral notebooks (2), crayons -24 ct, wide-tipped washable markers, black dry erase pen-style markers (4), old glove or sock (1), paint shirt,  scissors with points, Elmer’s glue (1), glue sticks (2), small school box, pocket folders (4), inexpensive clipboard, one easy-to-read ruler (with inches & centimeters), 3-boxes of Kleenex, roll of inexpensive paper towels (1), container of antibacterial wet wipes (1), hand sanitizer (1), earbuds, back pack.  Please label items with your child’s name.  Please sharpen all pencils if possible. 


Third Grade

Box of crayons (24 ct), box of colored pencils (8 ct), box of washable markers (8 ct.), dry erase markers (4 ct), #2 wooden pencils (24 ct– please sharpen before bringing), 2-block erasers, 2-large glue sticks, Elmer’s school glue (1), wide-ruled notebooks (6), pens (2), highlighters (2), ruler (with inches and centimeters), handheld pencil sharpener, pointed scissors,( 4) pocket folders, supply box (hard plastic 8.5” x 5”), 1 box of sandwich or quart size bags,  (2) boxes of Kleenex, ear buds, boys- bring 1 roll of paper towels, girls-bring 1 box of gallon size bags.


Fourth Grade

One subject wide-ruled spiral notebook (6), #2 pencils or mechanical pencils (12), erasers, ruler (inches/centimeters), Elmer’s glue (1), glue stick (2), highlighter (2), washable markers, scissors, 8 ct. colored pencils, pocket folders (6),supply box, 1 box of Kleenex, hand-held pencil sharpener, red pen (6), earbuds, 1 container of Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer (at least 8 ounces), 4 pack of dry erase markers.


Fifth Grade

#2 sharpened pencils(24),  mechanical pencils (6), large rectangle eraser, small hand-held pencil sharpener (1), black ink pens (2), blue ink pens (2), red ink pens (2), ruler (inches/centimeter), Elmer’s glue (1 bottle), scissors (1), highlighter (2-yellow), set of 8 washable markers, crayons (24 ct.), colored pencils (24 ct.), wide-ruled notebook paper (1 pkg.), one-subject wide-ruled notebooks (6), pocket folders (red, blue, green, orange, purple, black), pocket folder (any design or color), clipboard (1), 3-boxes of Kleenex, 2 containers of  Clorox wipes, 1 set inexpensive earbuds, pencil box.